• E-mail: info@devgrad.org
  • Location: Uebergdreef 21, Lokeren 9160, Belgium

Who We Are


DevGRAD is a non-profit and non-political organization. The organization serves as an enterprise platform for African Diaspora and other African stakeholders to float ideas and innovation supported by a diaspora-driven partnership with international communities and social business network. DevGRAD promotes dialogue and continuous knowledge exchange between the Diaspora community, international organizations and other stakeholders engaged in African development issues.

Our mission is entrenched in the realization of Sustainable Development Goals 1, 2, 4, 7 and 13 through the strengthening of the African-EU partnership strategy by exploring investment opportunities within the EU’s External Investment plan in Africa. The initiative emphasizes economic, social development and environmental protection within the prioritized sustainable development themes.


Our organization is positioned to integrate diaspora professionals into the renewed joint Africa – Europe alliance for sustainable investment and job creation within Joint Africa – EU Strategy. As a platform for diaspora professionals and other African stakeholders in Europe, we hope to engage and connect the African diaspora communities by linking members’ collective expertise with different stakeholders in the international community. We aim to provide a platform that increases access of African communities and entrepreneurs to support mechanisms from the international community through the exchange of expertise and partnership. The world is changing rapidly and profoundly as global alliance shifts and aid to the African continents has been shown to be unsustainable. There is, therefore, the need for the African business to create the right conditions to enhance competitiveness and enable the business to play its role in society. Partners’ guiding principles are Equality (among members), Reciprocity (between members on each project) and Participation (inclusion of civil society, governments, local authorities, professional associations, businesses, and indigenous people). We also focus on Partner’s supports innovation through seeding initiatives, replicating successes, establishing transnational partnerships aimed at achieving SDGs.