The vulnerability of the rural poor to the adverse effects of climate change in the agrarian community necessitates the need for a more resilience approach in agriculture as against business as usual approach. Since the variability in rainfall and temperature patterns constitute a threat to food supply and in general food security, there is the need for more climate-smart agriculture well tailored to increase the adaptive capacity of the farmers while at the same time increase resilience and resource use efficiency in agricultural production systems.
The position of DevGRAD is that the implementation of climate-smart approach cannot be effective in the agrarian community without knowledge blending across the scale (global to local). It is also very important that the rural poor have access to technical support and resources that are adapted to their local community for sustainable climate-friendly agriculture. DevGRAD through the network of professionals and agricultural experts is positioned to support the dissemination of such innovations through North-South collaborations effectively delivered to our respective local communities. Through networking, best practices can be exchanged while building a wealth of evidence and assessment tools for climate-smart agriculture and thus strengthening national and local institutions.